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Wednesday 28 August 2019

LSMW-2- Legacy System Migration Workbench-Batch Recording Method.-SAP MM

LSMW- Legacy System Migration Workbench-Batch Recording Method.

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 It’s the same process as explained in the previous post and here is the difference is recording method will be using to upload the data to SAP.


 As in the direct input method, we are maintaining all the source fields and length of character manually by the help of SE11 whereas here no need to update the source fields manually with the help of the recording method. The system will record each filed that we are entering and list out the filed names to update the same in source fields.

It’s quite easy and comfortable to use this method, main things are like we will not receive any errors and even assignment of fields is also Auto- Many companies will prefer this method to upload the data from the legacy tool to SAP.


we cannot use the Batch recording method for Material master because as explained popups will be there which system will not record the data.

 we need to use the only Tab and don’t prefer to use a mouse, sometimes the data may miss while recording.

Business Scenario: 
Trying Inventory management- GI Initial entry of goods 561/563/565

Here we are uploading the initial entry of goods by using the batch recording method and T-code for that is MB1C and movement types we will use are 561/563/565.

Note: Here we need to record the transaction for 1 material so that it will work for remaining other data as same.

Create Project-

Subproject and object – Where we can maintain anything depends like we need to recognize when we see.

Step 1) Object Attributes:

Here we need to select the type of process we are following for the migration activity.
Select the Batch recording and select the overview tab to go the next screen.
Once you select the recoding overview it will ask to update the following things

Recording -Description and Owner

Once everything is completed then the system will ask to enter the T_code then press MB1C- So that it will take you to the screen of the initial entry of goods.

Now update the Movement type and plant – use tab for everything and enter when you completed updating.

Now maintain the vendor/material/quantity/storage location and enter and save the screen.
So, the system automatically will come back and now select the default all option and save the screen.

Now go back and select the recording and save the screen, so that we selected the program and recording successfully.

Step 2) Maintain source structure:

Create a new source structure as same a previous post.

Step 3) Source Fields:

Now on the screen, we can see the tab Object Overview, where we need to select the tab and list out the fields and copy all the data showing there to excel.

We can copy field names/description/character length.

Now whatever copied things just copy-paste in this step- Field name and Character/Length

Step 4) Structure relations

It will be already assigned and just save

Step 5) Field mapping

Here just we need to do Auto-Assignment
Select menu bar- Extras -Auto field mapping
So automatically field mapping will be done as per the recordings and as maintained in the 3rd step.

Step 6) Maintain fixed values

It will be automatic.

Step 7) Specify files

Whatever we copied to excel that we need to paste in notepad and upload the file, follow the tabulator tab and heading tab following that in next step

So, it needs to exclude the 1st line in the notepad.

Step 8) Assign files:

Just check, whether it is assigned or not.

Step 9) Read data

Now just click and execute and the system will read the data automatically.

Step 10) Display read data.

We can display and check the data is uploaded correctly or not and we can see the fields inside also- I mean values.

Step 11) Convert data

Just click on execute and process

Step 12) Display Converted data

Check the converted data has been properly done and just check the values.

Step 13) Create Batch input session

Just execute and the system will show popup like its created.

Step 14) Run Batch input session

Now we can select the program and just press proceed-Now select the type of update like foreground/background/Show errors.

Process the program, now stock will get updated as per the file.
Check-in MB51 for proper quantity has been updated or not.
This completes the batch recording method.

The batch recording method for PIR/SL/Vendor.

We can do the same process, where please check any mandatory fields are assigned or not if any fields are auto-filling then check and process through the foreground.

So that when we see the error then we can maintain the value at the same time and process the program without errors.

LSMW Process for PO- Here we will discuss lightly and in next blog will write thoroughly.

For PO we should follow two files uploading, one is for header and other is for item

1st step is same as mentioned for above

In 2nd step we need to define the 2 source relations one is for header and other is for item- we can double click on first source relation and maintain the item level source relation.

So, 2 source structures have been created, 1 is Header and other is Item level.

3rd step maintain source fields- we can select the options inside as from data file -just double click on source relation for header.

And again, repeat the same for item level in the same screen.
Or else we can maintain the fields manually as we do in Direct input method.

4th step apply the relationship as mentioned in the screen for both source relations.

5th step maintain Auto field mapping

6th step specify the files for header as well Item, system will sow both.

Now the remaining process is same as mentioned in Direct input method and I’ll try to maintain this PO in detailed view with separate post for your understanding.

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